Microfilm Solutions

Storage That Can Last Centuries 

Microfilming is an ideal solution when business record retention requirements exceed five years. Government, financial, historical, and educational institutions have chosen microfilming as a primary source to protect and  permanently archive information. Allied Infotech offers extensive microfilm solutions that include equipment, service, supplies, and microfilm processing.

Advantages of microfilming include: 

  • Microfilmed documents are tamper-proof and are admissible in the court of law as primary evidence
  • Save valuable office space- a standard five drawer file cabinet can be reduced to one roll of microfilm
  • Easy retrieval for viewing and printing via a unique index database
  • Longevity of microfilm readability on any standard reader printer or lens
  • Duplicate security copies can be produced and stored off premises for added security LEARN MORE

Our Microfilming Process:

  1. Schedule a pick-up of your original documents
  2. Documents are prepared for microfilming
  3. Customized indexing fields are selected
  4. Paper documents are processed
  5. Multi stage quality control processes are conducted
  6. Images are converted to a roll or microfiche jacket
  7. Physical delivery of converted documents to your location
  8. Original documents can be stored at our Record Centre*, securely destroyed, or returned to your location

*While your records are in our possession, we offer twenty-four hour retrieval services for emergency requests

Want to know more?


See how we can help protect your records and documents throughout their life cycle. 

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